Aero Digest, March 1930

The following is an article that appeared in Aero Digest, 1930

Teaching Women To Fly
By Fred L. Hattom, Standard Flying Schools

Two years ago when a girl enrolled for a flying course, all the instructors at the school went into a huddle and lots were drawn to see who would have the task of teaching her. She usually was aggressive, a dare-devil type whose sole purpose in learning to fly was for the novelty and thrill she got out of it. Stunts delighted her, and she invariably went in for them after her first solo.

Leg-Up, 1930

Today, the schools are enrolling and training the fair sex to such an extent that the lady student is no longer a novelty. Many schools have found it necessary to give up the single standard idea and give special attention and consideration to the training of women fliers.

Standard Flying Schools at Los Angeles has one of the heaviest feminine enrollments in the country. The soloing of a number of these students who showed flying ability far exceeded expectations, a complete reorganization of teaching methods was put into effect. A complete line of women's flying clothing was stocked by the Accessories Department, and special attention was given to the type of flying equipment selected in order that lady students would not have to be padded with cushions to enable them to reach the rudder pedals.

First Solo, 1930

In the past, it has been customary for the average school to use a standard make open biplane with dual controls that was not designed for instruction purposes. The majority of these planes used for training were practically out of the question for women students. The older deficiencies have been corrected in the modern training planes and the new designs are built for both male and female training. When sitting on a parachute, the student of short stature can easily reach all the controls and still be in a natural position.

Since the Department of Commerce rating came into effect, schools have been more careful in the acceptance of students because of the requirements of the percentage who must finish and graduate. Prior to this requirement, it was found that approximately fifty percent of the girl students dropped out within the first six hours. Those who discontinued the course were faddists, whereas the remaining fifty percent were intensely serious and completed their training.

Lady Flyer, 1930

Not every instructor can teach women to fly. The "hells" and "damns" of an instructor's vocabulary must be eliminated entirely in the training of ladies. The instructor must make his corrections and explanations in a soft manner. There is no decided difference between the learning ability of the blonds or brunettes. It is found that the athletic type girl makes the better flier and learns faster than the domestic type. They require constant explanation and repetition of actual flight maneuvers and are a little slow to think quickly in a tight pinch. The "moneyed" young ladies are inclined to slide through their course with the least effort possible, as their objective is learning solely for the pleasure and exhilaration of flying. Those who work for their money and take up flying are more serious to get all that the course offers.

Out of 1,500 students to complete training at Standard, one of the best was Mrs. H. H. Ogden, wife of the Army round-the-world flier. She had been in a plane only once prior to enrollment. In six hours she was ready to solo, but because of the twelve hour dual rule at Standard, she continued her training. Of the 1929 group of students, Elizabeth Kelly showed a remarkable sense of direction and never at any time was she in doubt as to her whereabouts while in the upper realms. Vera Dawn Walker determined to equal the ability of good stunt pilots. The gyrations of her plane and the smoothness with which she handled the ship always received the plaudits of her instructors.

It is believed that during the coming year, schools that consider women students more seriously will experience greater enrollment as well as a larger volume of ship sales. It is time to adopt the proved policy of the automobile dealer - Cater to the woman.