Army PT-13 banked to show the 30 inch bottom wing stars and the 23 inch US ARMY lettering. The lettering, the red star centers and the rudder stripes were deleted at the end of May, 1942. |
Army Stearmans had a blue fuselage, chrome yellow wings and tails and carried distinctive Army tail stripes. (1936-1942) |
Cuban A73B1, 235 hp Wright R760ET (J-6-7) Delivered through October, 1939 - March, 1940. |
B75, N2S-2 Navy Stearman, Lycoming R-680-8. All over chrome yellow. |
Some Kaydets were diverted from Army contracts to the Navy. This one, built as an Army PT-17, became a Navy N2S-4 with Army blue fuselage. Navy lettering and numbers in white instead of the standard black. |
Rare shot of Navy "Recall" markings. Insignia Blue on white, painted over the existing yellow. Existing numbers were painted around which left a yellow block on the side.
Navy Stearman with "Green" instrument trainer bands. |
Yellow N2S-5 showing postwar letter marking used to identify organization and the red bar added to the insignia in January, 1947. The insignia has been smudged because this plane has just been surplused and is no longer an active Naval aircraft. |
Army standardized all over silver in the Spring of 1942. This PT17 was photographed in June, 1942 after having the rudder stripes and the red centers of the star insignia deleted. Note serial number in 8 inch figures on the fuselage, training numbers on nose and fin. |
In July, 1943 white rectangles were added to each side of the insignia, and a red border (soon changed to blue) was added to the entire marking. Notice that the size of the stars has been reduced on this PT-17, the fuselage star has been moved aft, and the serial number has been reduced in size to fit on the rudder. |
Thirty 76C's were built for Brazil. Fifteen were standard armed trainers with 420 hp Wright R975E-3 engines. One gun in the right wing, and 30 gallons additional fuel in two 15 gallon outboard wing tanks. These were delivered between May and July, 1937. An additional 15 were similar except for being fitted with Fairchild K-3B aerial cameras. |
The Royal Canadian Air Force ordered 300 Kaydets which were winterized PT-17's with R670-5 engines delivered from February through July, 1942. Provided through US Army channels under Lend Lease, they were designated PT-27. Color was all yellow. |
Five A75B4's were delievered to Venezuela in November, 1941. They were unique among Model 75's in being powered with the 320 hp Wright R-760E2 engine. They carried wing armament. |
In 1947 the Chinese government ordered 22 N2S-4's which Boeing acquired from surplus and refurbished. The Chinese specified use of the 185 hp Lycoming O0435-11 flat-six engine. Boeing thought it unsuitable but tried it at customer insistence. Performance was poor and the Chinese agreed to accept the Continental R-680-4 engine. |
Forty-three civil and export versions of the Model 75/PT-13A were sold between February, 1940 and November, 1941 as follows: Brazil, Parks Air College, the Philippine government and Venezuela.