AirShow Sounds

The throaty roar, the staccato drumming, the grinding growl, the clatter and popping - all are sounds reminiscent of bygone days in aviation, when the engine was every bit as exciting as the airplane it powered. These sounds of yesteryear, except in a few rare instances where the aircraft and engine are preserved and operated, are merely fond memories.

No finer example of engineering can be found then is exhibited by aircraft engines. They contain nothing that it does not require, and every single part must have a long service life and return the maximum possible output of power for its weight.

Reliability has always been of greatest importance and the aircraft engine of today can run almost indefinitely. Even in the "golden age" of aviation it had remarkable reliability for transoceanic flights and endurance attempts. The power to weight ratio was steadily improved as was the proportionate rate of fuel consumption. The radial engine achieved a tremendously favorable power to weight ratio, but at the expense of frontal area. Consequently, cowling had to be provided to streamline and force cooling, but it eliminated the weight of liquid cooled systems along with their problems.

The elimination of liquid cooled systems improved dependability of aircraft engines, particularly single row radials, and the double row radials that appeared in the middle thirties. Their dependability on long distance flights is legend.

Please visit [The Aviation History] On-Line Museum for a peek inside a radial engine after you browse here.

Sound Gif  These Are *.Wav Files

Pratt & Whitney R985 450hp
Douglas DC-3
Two R-1830 Twin Wasp Pratt & Whitney
North American T-6
R-1340 600hp
Pratt & Whitney
Rolls-Royce V-1650, Merlin
Unlimited Racers
Stuka Dive Bomber
Junkers Jumo 211
Oshkosh Tower #1
OshKosh Tower #2
World War I Rotary Engine
LeRhone Type J 110hp
Aeronca C-3
Aeronca E-113 2 cyl
40 hp
Vendenyev Ivchenko
Pratt & Whitney
Wasp R1340
B-17E Flying Fortress
Four Wright R-1820 1200hp
Two Rolls-Royce Merlin 1680hp
Enma 4cyl "Tigre"
Installed on a Spanish CASA 1-131 Jungmann
"Shaky "Jake"

Amazon Com

Allied Aircraft Piston Engines of World War II

Calendar Of Great Aircraft Engines

Vee's For Victory! The story of the Allison V1710 Aircraft Engine 1929-1948

Full Power, Aircraft Engines That Made History

History of Aircraft Piston Engines


Check out the following links for Aircraft engines:

  Peek Inside A Radial Engine
  US Air Force Museum Engine Gallery
  The Jacobs Radial..aka Shaky Jake
  Aeronca E-113 and K Engines
  Aircraft Engine Historical Society
  Aircraft Engine Design
  P&W Classic Engines
  Wikipedia - Nice Images